Aug 30, 2021

Our Top 10 Must Read Books For Personal Development

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

Part of being human is to be able to adapt to changes. Most often than not, changes are inevitable. Adapting to change can also either be easy, or difficult. Sometimes, even if the transition is for the better, people still find it difficult to adjust. These changes can be anything – a change in one’s habit, thinking, routine, work ethics, or even a change in appearance.

Books are helpful in developing oneself.

Change is necessary if a person wants to improve and develop themselves. There are times when a person wakes up one day and thinks of changing something within themselves. Every so often developing oneself can be a walk in the park. However, this doesn’t apply to everything. There are developments that need external help. A very good example would be going to the gym and following a specific workout plan. You would not be able to create and follow your own plan, and may need help from a gym coach and a proven and tested workout plan.

Just like when going to the gym, when a person wants to generally develop and improve themselves, there are programs, seminars, and training sessions they can attend to, or books that they can read and learn from. Luckily, we’ve compiled the top 10 must read books for personal development – be it as a leader, business owner, or just simply as a person.

This list is in no particular order, so off we go!

1. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Author: Daniel H. Pink

A lot of people believe that rewards are the best way to get motivated. Yes, it can be a motivation, but as the glitter and glitz of these rewards wear off so do the drive. Convincingly enough, Pink has used 40 years’ worth of research to give us the three factors that are key to human drive.

2. Radically Happy: A User's Guide to the Mind

Author: Phakchok Rinpoche and Erric Solomon

This duo of Rinpoche and Solomon believes that there are three kinds of happiness: basic, interconnected, and radical. They developed an extensive program by combining modern methods and ancient teachings to help readers figure out how to become radically happy.

3. The Art of Showing Up: How to Be There for Yourself and Your People

Author: Rachel Wilkerson Miller

In this busy life where everything goes by so fast, we have to juggle our jobs, love-life, family, and even our own welfare – it can be a struggle. Tell me about it. When all of these happen, we often neglect one aspect of our lives: our friendships. Maintaining that connection with your friends is all about continuously showing up for them. Miller will guide you on how to take care of your friends, as well as yourself.

4. The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of Secret Identities to Transform Your Life

Author: Todd Herman

Ever wondered how it feels like to be a superhero? No, not the part where you save people from burning buildings or whatnot. I’m talking about living a life with an alter ego. Todd Hernan, a personal leadership expert, will help you unlock your true potential, or as he calls it, your “Heroic Self”.

5. Wisdom from a Humble Jellyfish: And Other Self-Care Rituals from Nature

Author: Rani Shah

Jellyfish. They were already here even before humans roamed the Earth. Apart from their stinging, and sometimes deadly tentacles, what else do we know about them? Well, according to Rani Shah, jellyfish often take breaks making them efficient energy users. This is just one way of nature showing us the value of taking it one step at a time, and living life itself so to speak. This and many more teachings about self-care are included within Shah’s book.

6. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

Author: Charles Duhigg

Did you know that there is a science behind habits? Topnotch business correspondent Charles Duhigg says that in order to successfully build habits and harness your true potential you have to realise the science behind it first. Within his book, he guides us on how this additional learning can help you positively change your life, and potentially for good.

Enrich your knowledge by reading books.

7. The Happiness Advantage

Author: Shawn Achor

Shawn Achor has developed proven and tested philosophies which can help you find true happiness. It is a known fact that by working hard you become successful. And, by becoming successful, you become happy. This is what we’ve known for a long time. However, it should be the other way around. For you to be successful in what you do, you have to find happiness in it first. Being happy with what you do lets you be more creative, excited, efficient, productive, and a whole lot more.

8. Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence

Author: Vicki Robin

In her book, Vicki Robin gives us a nine-step program to help you better understand investing, managing financial incomes, developing positive financial habits, and more. Her nine-step program has already helped people for more than two decades, so she knows what she’s talking about.

9. The Little Book of Big Lies: A Journey into Inner Fitness

Author: Tina Lifford

Life can be challenging, that’s a fact. It doesn’t look at your social status, or who you are. When life hits you hard, it hits you hard. It is a rollercoaster of emotions: happiness, sadness, pain, grief, etc. However, this should not derail you from the journey. You have to keep pushing on. The good thing is, people like Tina Lifford has shared her expertise in personal development by providing essential wisdom about facing life’s hurdles.

10. Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty... And Start Speaking Up, Saying No, Asking Boldly, And Unapologetically Being Yourself

Author: Aziz Gazipura

Do you know someone who’s way too nice? Someone who doesn’t know how to say no? Or are you this person? Regardless, if you know someone, or this is you, you have to stop being too nice. It is not nice to be too nice so to speak. Gazipura, a topnotch confidence expert, will teach you how to say no, know and ask for what you want, and speak up so your voice can be heard loud and clear. All of these without the guilty feeling and anxiety.

Final Words

Take a few minutes a day to read on through any of these books, and believe me, you’ll notice changes within you. Make sure that you read and practice what these brilliant authors are giving you. Do not read just for the sake of something to share with your Thursday book club. Read and understand everything by heart. You initially won’t notice these positive changes within you, but I’m pretty sure people around you will.

Development comes in many forms. It just depends on how you tackle it. Do not let external factors hinder you from improving yourself. At the end of the day, it’s your mind and body, not theirs. Hey, it feels so good when you know that you’ve developed and improved one aspect of your life. It’s a treasure no one can take away from you.


Need More Help? Here Are Some Additional Resources

Get Coaching: Want our help growing your eCom business? Apply for our Arbitrage Experts Academy Programme Here.

Free Training: How to start, systemise and scale your online business. Register Here.

Book a FREE Strategy Call: Get 1-2-1 support from the OSC Team to devise a tailor made plan you can follow to achieve scale. Click Here.

Get Expert Virtual Assistants: Want to build your team of transformational VAs and free your time? Learn more here.

